Monday, July 1, 2013

A Little Vacation; Crossville, Tennessee.

Although floating in a pontoon boat on a tiny lake surrounded by soft Mountains in the little town of Crossville, Tennesee might not be comparable to floating in a Gondola in Sicily during Sunset, my vacation a few weeks ago seemed absolutely perfect to me. A weekend with all of my family and an escape in nature was exceptionally rejuvenating, and left my spirit feeling more grounded than it had in a while. 

The adventure begun with my Mom, my little brother, Zach, and I running four hours late, because what kind of trip, or at least for my family, is consistent with a clock? Being that it was Father's Day Weekend, the first stop on the itinerary was to Birmingham, Alabama where my Dad resides. My sister, brother in law, and two favorite little princesses had just relocated to Birmingham about a month ago- so it was perfect timing to see everyone. After just a short night in Alabama, my sister and nieces then joined us up the mountains to Tennessee to see my mom's parents and my aunt. 

Because of my crazy busy work schedule juggling two jobs, my mind and body fully take in any moments of clarity they receive. Having a clear mind to really focus on the present moment, and the little things that you miss during a hectic day, is such a relieving and deeply relaxing feeling. And one that should be incorporated into our everyday lives. The fact that my Grandparents always choose the most serene and secluded places to live that are miles away from the chaos of what we call "normal life", makes it easy to get lost in the fresh smell of pine trees mixed with coffee in the morning, or in the gaze of the sunset on the hills while a family of deer are frolicking  in the distance. (literally, this happened.) 

 One of my favorite things all weekend was being able to spend hours in the car with my mom and little brother. Although I see and talk to them both everyday, being trapped for hours at a time allowed us to ramble on about random things, and actually laugh out loud at our stupid jokes. Even long silences shared with people who are close to your heart are comforting. Seeing my aunt Michelle and Grandparents was an exiting event, as we hadn't all been together for a family vacation since I was in 10th grade, and this year was my Grandma, or as we know her, Nana's 70th Birthday! Watching the similarities all weekend of mom and her sister, and then comparing them to me and my sister, and now my two nieces Sophia and Brooklyn was hilarious. It would have been nice spending more time with my Dad when we were still in Alabama, but sometimes one night can be full of so many hugs and love shared that it can make up for years of lost time. And that night we were in Birmingham, many hugs were given. We all stayed out until the middle of the night dancing at an old red neck bar, cheers-ing to forgetting a sometimes bumpy past, and onto a positive future. 

Although we do see my Grandparents about once a year or so, this was the first time I had been to their house in at least six years. Everything in the house was just like I had remembered and expected it to be except in a weird way, it all seemed more exiting. Their shelves and walls are filled with trinkets and decorations from all over the world. I felt like I was my eight year old self, and their house a museum. The stone figurines of crazy looking people that always intrigued me when I was younger, took on a whole knew meaning once I realized that they were actually hand-made from Peru, where I was just a year ago. My Grandma, who was almost as excited as I was to bring up her past travels, eagerly brought out her boxes of trinkets and let me keep some amazing arrowheads and carved bones from Panama, so that I can make jewelry out of them. 

She also gave me a beautiful, vintage SLR Nikon, that she got when she was visiting her dad in San Antonio, Texas recently. I'm not sure if she knows it, but it is truly one of the most special gifts I've received. Knowing I have this amazing new camera to use and sharing stories with her has given me the extra umph of inspiration that that has been dehydrated from me lately. My Grandparents have been very open and supportive of my traveling, which is something I really appreciate. Of course they think that it is dangerous me traveling alone, and I need to be careful- but those facts haven't once led for them to tell me I shouldn't go. They've helped me with a flight ticket and recently (along with my Aunt, Michelle) bought me my first legit traveling backpack. However, even more important than the material things, I think that is it them who first gave me the inspiration to pack up and explore! They always make sure that each year, they visit a new place and experience a new culture- something that I've always been so envious of, and now I am making the opportunity to do the same. So, Cheers Nana & Bampa, without realizing, you've helped shaped me into the eager, wanderlust crazy person that I am. ; )

During my drive back down to Florida, I wasn't dreading going back to work as I had expected. Instead, I felt a sense of being centered, and accepting. A mixture of nature, and family is the perfect remedy to leave your soul shining. 

xx SLW

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