Friday, November 30, 2012

Bucket List Friday

Another Friday has come! My favorite day, not because it is the weekend, more so that I love tapping into my Bucket List of adventures, and seeing what all I have on there. Right now I am working like crazy, almost every day- trying to save up all year long, so that I can go back on the open road again. Therefore, right now, my Bucket List is definitely helping to keep me inspired. 

Today's Bucket List goodie is "Follow a Band on Tour" ! This is one of my like ultimate goals in life, awe inspired by Miss Penny Lane herself. For those who don't know, Penny Lane is the awesome Rock n Roll Band-aid from the movie "Almost Famous". Her and her friends follow their favorite band, Stillwater, which have grown into a family on their tour around the States.  

How amazing would it be to be surrounded by awesome, loving people who all share the same common interest- a LOVE for music, and a love for life. Just imagine traveling the road, jammin' all day, living life so free in such a big world, and feeling right at home with strangers. One day, One day! I'm not sure which band I would want to follow around today, I would of rather to have lived in the sixties, but it would have to be free spirits who are down to earth for sure. What would be your ideal band to follow on tour !?

xx SLW

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