Saturday, November 10, 2012

Favorite Places: San Blas, an artsy haven

    I stayed in San Blas while in Cusco and loved it !! It was so sick, about three days after living in the hostel, another teacher at Yanapay introduced me to her boyfriends friends who were renting a room in their artsy little apartment in San Blas. I moved in the next day! Turns out, the own an awesome little reggae bar which was perfect for me. They let me rent their room for 300 s./ for the month, and were both super chill to live with- and Aurora was a french cook, so that was always a plus. I ended up becoming really good friends with that whole little group, and we went to Wachuma all of the time. They reminded me a lot of my friends back in Miami and my ex boyfriend. I think that is why I naturally was close with them. Sometimes it is weird how you accidentally attract and are attracted to like minded people. 

   Not only is San Blas the cleanest, most beautiful area of Cusco in my mind- it is like a small artesian pueblo with many stores and cute restaurants. There are always people sitting in the yard in the centro playing instruments and sharing talents. The apartments are stacked because it is quite aways up the mountain, almost to the Cristo Blanco- but the views are overwhelming !! One night, the lights went out in the city, and you could see every start imaginable. One night I was sitting on our tile porch area just looking at the city drinking wine, thinking " is this really my life right now " ? I love the time that for a moment, you are truely taken away but how amazing your life is. I wish I would be so appreciative all of the time, because life is always breath taking, it is just hard to notice sometimes with the haze from everyday noise. 

xx SLW

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