Monday, November 26, 2012

Side Note; Israeli- Palestinian Conflict

As so much has been surfaced in the news lately about the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict, I thought I'd comment a little bit about the Situation. I have met, and became good friends with many people from Israel. Although most of my friends happen to be Jewish Israeli, I do have Palestinian friends as well, and I find it so sad that both sides are so against one another. Now, those I know that still are living in Israel, since they were in the Reserves, are having  to fight for a side. I just find it sad that so many of our wars are caused by Religion and our own man made laws. The more I read about Tao, and various Osho books, I have learned that Religion has hurt us in more ways that we realize. I hope that one day, these countries will look past Religion, and man made borders- and just live in Peace. I know that is a very simple statement, but it is a simple solution to an on-going devastating war that our world has witnessed, with mass murdering of innocent people. This being said, positive thoughts to all in Israel and the surrounding countries involved in this conflict- both sides. 

xx SLW

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