Monday, November 26, 2012

The Belly Button of the World

Cusco is known as the Belly Button of the World, and for good reason. There is a gravitation pull that exists here, centering it in every way. Originally it referred to being the center of the Incan Empire- but I think it could apply for our world today as well. My favorite part about the trip, was the really positive feeling that engulfed me! I think that this came from the constant reminder of the Spirituality here. Walking the streets and seeing stores filled with raw stones and crystals, sage, herbs, natural medicine, ancient statues, and so much more was amazing. The woman here are so strong and so wise, I would trust them for anything. A few times when I was sick, I went to a tienda, and they gave me a special tea or herb to help. Just remember, to go a little outside of the main squares to find the real locals that aren't trying to just make money. I found that Peruvians are very honest people and love to help when they can. There are also Yoga Studios and Meditation Centers everywhere- most of them even offer Retreats into more rural, nature areas a little outside of the city. 

But be careful, because since there are so many tourist- the locals have learned that they can make money easily off of native soul searchers. Shops with signs claiming to have Ayahuasca and Peyote Ceremonies line the streets as well! I went in one just to check it out - as soon as the guides started speaking english, and the prices were in U.S dollar I knew it was sketchy. Those are two definite giveaways for anything fake in another country I'd say. Brining yourself into another dimension withs something as strong as Ayahuasca, should be taken very seriously and I wouldn't trust doing this sacred ceremony if I didn't seem right- you never know what could happen! I never found any real Shaman that I felt like it would be right with, so I was never able to try it. This reminds me of my post about the "Bricheros" here in Peru ;)

You just always have to trust your instinct, because your heart always knows more than the head! 

xx SLW

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