Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tunesday Tuesdays

I listen to music day in and day out. It is so much more inspiring than watching TV, and can totally change your mood. That being said, I really enjoy finding out about new awesome Artist. My best friend from home, Adrienne recently showed me the Texas born Artist, Gary Clark Jr. I have no clue how I never heard of him before, because music is amazing and the perfect tunes to listen to while I write, paint, read or anything else that my day consists of. His music to me, is like soulful Rock with some Jazz and even R&B influences. Not to mention his raspy voice and awesome style. You just have to hear it for yourself!

Well, Thanks A! (Btw, she does Social Media for the most awesome “Laid back, Punk-Bohemian" Bridal Showroom in NYC. Stone Fox Bride!) and They have the most inspiring Pinterest, ever. http://pinterest.com/stonefoxbride/ 

xx SLW

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