Friday, November 16, 2012

Bucket List FRIDAY!

Hello loves, okay since my personal bucket list is forever growing and filled with crazy things; I thought i'd share the wealth. Every Friday, I will be posting something off of my bucket list; something to do, somewhere to go, somebody to meet, etc! Maybe it will help inspire some crazy must do's in your lives as well! This being said, my first Bucket List Friday is ...

Being apart of a real Holi Festival ! 

Holi, is a Hindu religious festival that takes place in mostly India and Nepal. The fest is in the Spring time, and was originally to celebrate the love for the Krishna, from Radha. Lately I've been really interested in learning more about the gods and goddesses of Hinduism, which is why I would love to be able to experience this! It is also known as the festival of colors, because fest-goers throw colored powder and perfume at each other, creating this huge colorful mess! I am super jealous because this upcoming year, 2013- Holi will fall on my birthday! It would be so awesome to go, but definitely at some point I will make it there. Here's a few pictures I found online;

xx SLW

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