Sunday, November 11, 2012


GROOVE. Possibly the most popular and typical club in Cusco. Coming from Miami, the word "club" has a different meaning than most people I'm sure, but this place was actually pretty good. The manager, Willy later became a good friend of mine, so I thought that I would do a little shout- out about the place. They mostly have electronic and dance music that goes into the wee hours of the night. Here is their facebook to see which events are going on when currently.

Since I was here almost 9 months ago, I see now that they've recently changed their name to Temple. If you are staying at any of the big hostels, such as The Point, Wild Rover, Loki, etc.. Willy, will come scoop you, and everyone, in the locally known "Groove Bus" With girls hanging out of the sunroof, and the bus sliding down the steep roads, it is definitely more entertaining than a taxi.

The best part about Groove/ Temple, is the entertainment! There are a few people who preform in the clubs in Cusco doing Juggling, poi, face painting, and any other hippie talent you can think of. I always sat and hung out with the face painter girl while I was waiting for Willy to get off work (for the last two weeks I was in Cusco, I stayed at his place) and one night actually got my phone stolen. It was the only time I had ever gotten anything stolen from me my entire trip, and I always wonder what kind of pictures and videos I would of had if I could've had it for my other journeys...  I guess I will never know ;) The time that I hung out with him was nice, because it was the first time I had somebody looking after me, and helping me a lot. When you go from having boyfriends at home, to being totally independent it can be a little stressful. So I will always be thankful of his help, and the help of all my friends there! 

xx SLW

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