Sunday, November 11, 2012

working in Cusco, worth it ?

     I had every intention working while I was in Peru, because I didn't come to travel. I came to Cusco planning to stay at least four months or so, and had about $1200 with me. Being around so many travelers who were going so many places made my mind run wild. I thought to cut my trip a little short, and travel around instead- having no plan in mind at all. This being said $1200 can fly by- even if you are only paying about $120 for rent. I don't mind working, but hate starting to work. I went around to a few bars and restaurants, but everyone wanted some way to guarantee that you wouldn't leave in a few weeks. The best thing to do for travelers in my opinion, is to work in hostels. You can find jobs at other places, but once you balance out the pay with the hours worked it barely makes it worth it. Peru is one of the cheapest countries in South America, so if you plan on leaving after working, your Soles won't cash in for much. 

 I got a job working as a bartender at Mama Africas- a club in the Plaza de Armas. I was so nervous to start, because I hadn't bar tended in a while and my spanish isn't the best. Franzi, a girl from the school was going to waitress as well that night. We both stood around doing nothing for the first two hours, like most jobs, not knowing what to do. Finally the boss and other bartenders got there and we started to work. It was such a simple system, we just took orders and made drinks. The manager handled all money activity. We worked hard from about 7pm to 530am for a set pay of 50 s./ and then got an additional 10 s./ for tips. All together this was 60./ or $22 for 10 1/2 hours! After that, I decided I would never convert anything to American dollars again!! It was a fun job though; I got to drink, and met a lot of people..but it just didn't seem like it was worth it for such long hours. All of the customers were stoked to see that the bartender spoke english, and were all so curious to know why I was working there. I seem to like doing things that aren't typical, and that make people ask questions. Maybe it's just a way of keeping life interesting. 

     So, if you plan on becoming a millionaire during your stay in South America, I wouldn't recommend working in Cusco. If you are only wanting to work to make enough to sustain your life there, it is really easy! I just didn't have the time to work long hours, and honestly I was having so much fun being in a new place for the first time, I told myself I'd get a job at the next place. 

xx SLW

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